Learn how our team of experts at Simon Markus Global can transform your marketing strategy and help you achieve your business goals.
Starting at the age of 20, Simon founded Select Simon Markus, rapidly turning it into a top SEO agency in the Dominican Republic. His passion for digital marketing and his commitment to excellence have been the cornerstones of his career.
SEO strategy, YouTube strategy, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, email marketing, design selection, structure development, sales strategy, management.
SEO Department, Social Media Department (YouTube), Paid Advertising Department, Email Marketing Department, Design and Copy Department, Sales Department, Executive Level.
Copywriting and refinement, financial planning and analysis, proofreading in German, presentation creation.
Design and Text Department, Finance Department, Image Selection and Correction Department, Presentation Creation Department.
Customer relationship management, talent acquisition and development, proofreading in German, final acceptance.
Sales Department, Human Resources Department, Image Selection and Correction Department, Final Acceptance Department.
SEO support, social media strategy (excluding YouTube), text integration, proofreading in Spanish.
SEO Department, Social Media Department, SEO and Text Integration Department, Image Selection and Correction Department.
Web design, proofreading in Spanish.
Web Design Department, Image Selection and Correction Department.
Error correction, proofreading in English, technical integration.
Page Structure and Error Correction Department, Image Selection and Correction Department, IT Department.
Image selection, image generation.
Image Selection and Correction Department.
Workflow optimization, infrastructure management, process optimization, marketing conversion optimization, scaling marketing processes, and creating thoughtful templates for web and funnels, email, etc.
Project Management Department, IT Department, Operations Department, Marketing Department.
Text integration, creation of drafts.
Workflow extension department.
At Simon Markus Global, we specialize in Strategic Marketing Optimization (SMO™), a unique methodology designed to position your brand as a market leader. Our dedicated team of experts combines innovative strategies and cutting-edge techniques to ensure your digital marketing efforts achieve maximum results.
Discover where your ideal customers are already hanging out on Facebook.
Learn how to engage with your audience and showcase your expertise.
Turn engaged group members into paying customers without hard selling
„Experimentiere mit der Positionierung des Spalteninhalts: oben, in der Mitte oder unten. Diese ist derzeit so eingestellt, dass sie oben bleibt, um das beste Layout zu erzielen.“
This template is suitable for solopreneurs or small businesses that offer a specific service with a free consultation offer.
Discover digital marketing for your success. Contact us now!”
Simon Markus SEO and digital marketing agency
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